This is the download set of our 7 week tele-course on Embodying awakened living.
Explore how the descent of the conscious energy of Shakti, together with the embrace of the limits of our bodies and our relationships, act as the bridge to an opening beyond ourselves, and into connectedness with the Whole of life.
This course will be an experiential adventure into what it means to embody spiritual realization into our ordinary human life and relationships. These are the Blue and Green dimensions of the Tapestry of Being:
Blue node, Embodied Human Identity: Discover the Dignity of Your Divinely Human Nature
We are unique spiritual beings of flesh and blood. Embracing our humanity we meet the vulnerability at the heart of our life, and we contact the finiteness of our mortality.
Green node, Embodied Human Relationship: The Catalytic Magic of Awakened Relationships
Interacting with others in mutual listening, we recognize both unity and uniqueness which creates a safe circumstance for continuous natural transformation.
We will explore what awakening is when we descend into our bodies, feel the depths and learn to love. We will bring to bear unique insights from the rest of the Tapestry of Being teachings that will put embodiment and mutuality into a larger context.
We will explore practical methods for bringing awareness and emotion into our direct experience so that we meet and penetrate the anxiety and struggle that can come with embodying awakened living. Transforming our relationship with core existential fear we drop into the whole life we’ve been avoiding and can even begin to celebrate ourselves in an entirely new way.
We will learn about how to live in mutuality in our relationships, so they become a spiritual process that serves to open us to even more feeling and energy, bringing us out into an expanded sense of non-separateness.
The downloads are in two zipped folders that contain seven mp3 sound files and seven pdf documents.
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